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White Sexual Imperialism: A Summary



Yesterday was a haze. Today, make time to understand the origins of Asian sex work and the lasting implications of widespread fetishization of Asian women.

I posted several IG stories about this (very important) article already, but since I know attention spans on social media are working against papers like this, I summarized it into a slideshow in hopes more people will read through and learn the U.S.’s history of violence, subjugation, and objectification of Asian women — especially those already from structurally vulnerable groups. This is an great resource to understand how colonialism, imperialism, and capitalism intersect to create the social environments of today.

As the author Sunny Woan writes: “Without first undermining the white sexual imperialist regime, Asian feminists cannot effectively achieve sexual-racial equality for Asian and diasporic Asian women [and] violent crimes against Asian victims will continue to be largely perpetrated by white men and, moreover, women of Asian descent will find no peace from the hyper-sexed stereotypes.”

Please make sure to take care of yourself during this time, join your local organizations like @advancingjustice_aajc, and donate if you can to places like @redcanarysong @sendchinatownlove @ccedla @napawf. Most importantly, don’t give up and feel that you are too small or this problem is too big that we cannot overcome. To quote Woan again, we can use “knowledge of social conditions as a vehicle for consciousness-raising [that] shows women their situation in way that affirms they can change it.”

That being said, creating change takes practice. Little actions build into bigger ones. On the other side, inaction also takes practice, but it builds into nothing.

Sending love to everyone.

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